Ryad Boudebouz will make his debut at the Classico

Ryad Boudebouz will make his debut at the Classico
Ryad Boudebouz will make his debut at the Classico

Ryad Boudebouz, the new striker of Kabylie’s youth sports team, will have his baptism of fire with the Canaristhis Tuesday on the occasion of the reception of Mouloudia of Algiers at the Houcine Ait Ahmed stadium for the update of the first day of the championship.

Indeed, Ryad Boudebouz, who joined JSK this season, did not take part in his team’s first match in the new Houcine Aït Ahmed stadium against the newly promoted O Akbou. A match won by the protégés by Abdelhak Benchikha with a score of 2 to 1.

It is with this in mind that Ryad Boudebouz will be present against Mouloudia of Algiers, this was confirmed by assistant coach Farid Zemiti: “Ryad Boudebouz will be present in the group which will face the MCA. We will determine if he will be a starter or not », said Benchikha’s deputy in statements to the press.




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