Guingamp – : match summary

Guingamp – : match summary
Guingamp – Annecy: match summary
Ligue 2 (5th day). Guingamp – : 2-2

0-4, two years ago, and 1-4 last year. To say that Annecy is successful in its trips to Roudourou is an understatement. So this Friday, the question was, would the Savoyards crush the Guingampais again in front of their home crowd? No.

The Red and Blacks would therefore have warded off bad luck, confirming that is indeed a land of legends and spells… No more.

Even though Sylvain Ripoll – whose magic formulas allow Guingamp to be joint leader with FC and – had brought back the same eleven, which last week, gave him victory; the charm did not work, despite the encouragement (finally back!) of a Kop Rouge in fusion…

A quarter of an hour under pressure

The match could not have started any worse. After a completely missed clearance from Gomis, who was really bothered by the Annecy pressure (in 4-2-4 in the offensive phase), Demoncy intercepted the ball and passed it to Kouadio while Riou also missed his intervention. Demoncy, in the box, only had to recover his partner’s cross and crucify Basilio on the wrong foot (0-1, 4′). Once again, Guingamp paid for a lack of defensive solidity.

To top it all off, Gomis (who couldn’t get back into the game) was close to conceding a penalty (18′) after a heavy contact with Demoncy (him again!). The referee didn’t flinch. Roudourou could breathe.

Sissoko and Sidibé decisive

This was the moment chosen for Alpha Sissoko to show off his talents as a fireworks player. Sending a marvelous cross of which he has the secret, the latter was deflected with a header by Annecy’s Soukouna, but taken over by the giant Sidibé. One each, ball in the center (1-1, 22′). And symbolizing a newfound confidence, it was this same Sidibé who cleared a very well-taken opposing corner. The locals were launched and it was they who monopolized the ball until the break even if Annecy remained no less dangerous. This is evidenced by this reflex save by Basilio on a Savoyard free kick extended by Soukouna’s header (45′).

Guingamp runs on diesel

After the locker room, Guingamp struggled to get back into the game. Time for the engine to warm up. Unfortunately, Annecy restarted at full throttle. On a cross from Demoncy, a real conductor, Drouhin was there to take the ball (1-2, 65′).

But Guingamp is a diesel engine and can count on another exceptional driver. After a corner taken by EAG, Drouhin deflected the ball with his head which fell in front of the feet of Hemia who did not ask for much to send a wonderful curling into the visiting goal (2-2, 80′). The score did not change, and the two teams crossed the finish line together.

Technical sheet

Arbitrator : Mr. Gaillouste

Spectators : 6,464.

GOALS. Guingamp: Sidibé (22′), Hemia (80′). Annecy: Demoncy (4′), Drouhin (65′).

Warnings. Guingamp: Sissoko (43′). Annecy: Pajot (36′), Kashi (45′).

GUINGAMP : Basilio – Sissoko (Naïr, 88′), Gomis, Riou, Maronnier (Vallier, 61′) – Louiserre (cap.), Sidibé (Luvambo, 76′) – Sagna (Labeau, 61′), Hemia, Picard (Ghrieb , 61′) – Siwe. Coach: Sylvain Ripoll.

Not entered into play: Niasse (l.), Guendouz.

ANNECY : Stopovers – Kouadio (N’Sakala, 67′), Drouhin, Soukouna, Delphis – Pajot, Kashi (cap.) – Larose (Bermont, 76′), Demoncy (Valme, 88′), Billemaz (Dago, 76′) – Djoco (Lajugie 67′). Coach: Laurent Guyot.

Not entered into play: Callens (left), Tiendrébéogo.



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