Bitch, the power of females in the animal world

Bitch, the power of females in the animal world

In her book, zoologist and author Lucy Cooke details the revolution that has changed our view of females in recent decades.

This article is taken from the monthly Sciences et Avenir n°931, dated September 2024.

“A tremendous snub to scientific sexism”

“A tremendous snub to scientific sexism.” This is how the austere review Nature praised the work Bitchwritten by a student of Richard Dawkins (The Selfish Gene). But there is no question of her following in the footsteps of her professor, nor of the first evolutionist, Charles Darwin.

The revolution that changed our vision of females

Lucy Cooke details here the revolution that, in recent decades, has shaken up our vision of females. Dominant hyenas, lesbian albatrosses, polyandrous monkeys, murderous meerkats, menopausal orcas come here to undo our stereotypes.

Bitch, the power of females in the animal world, Lucy Cooke, Albin Michel, 510 p., 24,90 €

Credits: Albin Michel

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