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These 2 Types of Yogurt Could Promote Colon Cancer, Doctor Says


Chips, candy and other processed foods have been the subject of warnings from doctors for years because they could be contributing to the rise in colon cancer cases among young people. But a University of Miami doctor is warning about another category of products.

Part of the problem is the amount of emulsifiers present in healthy products.

The study is based on a rather alarming observation that an increasing number of people claim to eat healthily but still contract colon cancer. Thanks to a grant recently received, gastroenterologist Maria Abreu was able to study the question and seems to have found an element of the answer. The specialist explains to Daily Mail that part of the problem is the amount of emulsifiers in modern foods, including healthy options like low-fat yogurts, light salad dressings, and peanut butter. These common additives, often used to give foods a creamy texture, have been linked to intestinal inflammation and disruption of the gut microbiome (the collection of microorganisms that live in the human digestive tract). When the gut microbiome is disrupted by medications or certain foods containing additives, or when the digestive tract is damaged by inflammation, these factors can (…)

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