Can Michel Barnier succeed at Matignon?


Michel Barnier arrives at Matignon in a minefield, facing several cohabitations. With Emmanuel Macron, but also the former majority and, more dangerous, Marine Le Pen. Portrait of an ambitious, highly experienced politician, who has nothing left to lose.

Between Savoy and the Isle of Yeu, where he spends his holidays, Michel Barnier had started writing a book to learn the lessons of his political career. These Memoirs will have to wait. Especially since he will have to add a section on the harsh cohabitations that promise to mark his life at Matignon from now on. Will this chapter be limited to a handful of pages, so uncertain is the future in his role as Prime Minister? Did he make a mistake in accepting and risking, at the same time, ending his work and his career on a stinging failure? But how can he refuse when history offers such an opportunity to take revenge on all those who looked down on him – a shame for this 1.87 metre Savoyard. Starting with the Chirac supporters who had meanly christened him “the big jerk” and “the idiot of the Alps”. Or Jacques Chirac himself, who nicknamed him “the ski instructor”. His years spent in Brussels as a commissioner, before embarking on the Brexit negotiation, gave him an international stature. But in France, his notoriety has not taken off.

With the British Boris Johnson, and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, in 2019. After Brexit, Barnier the European has his work cut out for him to bring France back into line with Brussels’ budgetary guidelines.

With Britain’s Boris Johnson and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, in 2019. After Brexit, European Barnier has his work cut out for him to bring France back into line with Brussels’ budgetary guidelines. Credit: Zheng Huansong/Xinhua-Réa

Read alsoFrench people mostly satisfied with Barnier’s appointment, according to a poll

It is therefore impossible, this time, not to take up the challenge. Even if the mountaineer on the ridge line is fully aware of the difficulties, threats and traps that await him. The perilous cohabitations of all kinds which mean that, for many, the vital prognosis is more than measured. They see him in a state of “critical cohabitation”, as we say of a sick person who is in a bad way.

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