Female elite 1: The stadium sends to the strings

Female elite 1: The stadium sends to the strings
Female elite 1: The Toulouse stadium sends Montpellier to the strings

MT: 22-7; Referee: Doriane Domenjo assisted by Mmes. Laporte and the Great.
Winners: 7 and Murie (15), Philippe (23, 50), Escudero (26, 62, 75), Zago (79); 1 p QUYROI (6); 4 T Queyroi (15, 23, 63), borders (80).
Defeated: 2 In Bernadou (10), Blasco (58); 1 T Macippe (10)
Evolution you score: 3-0 ; 3-7 ; 10-7 ; 17-7 ; 22-7 / 27-7 ; 27-12 ; 34-12 ; 39-12 ; 46-12.
stadium: Closed ; Philip, Philopon, Baguette (Catalan, 61), Murie,; (o) Hermet (Spon, 45), Scuer, Cazorla; Roboam (head) (Leaca, 65), Zago; Lapoujade (Bazola, 51).
Yellow cards: Dédy (54), Bourdon – Sansus (56).
 : Baudru (Boujard, half-time); Banet Blasco, Berenger (Dadds, 62), Macipus, Marine household; (o) Coudert, (m) pegot (large, 59); Mac Lachlan, Chazalette (cap.), Ducret (Peyronnet, 59), Besset (Morel, 59), Tounesi; Bernadou (Masque, 64) Tajouri – Romatico (Mazzochi), Huiban (Bruna, 59).
Yellow cards: Macipe (72), Banet Blasco (78).




PREV “We are not beautiful, we do not act like the others, we are different, but we get there”: the (very) strong words of Pierre Caillet before ASBH-Colomiers
NEXT French Stadium – RC Vannes: John the Bautista Pedmonte, an absence that weighs at the RCV