Racist comments from Melvyn Jaminet: “From my point of view, it will be very complicated”, the president of the FFR says no to a return of the player to the French team

Racist comments from Melvyn Jaminet: “From my point of view, it will be very complicated”, the president of the FFR says no to a return of the player to the French team
Racist comments from Melvyn Jaminet: “From my point of view, it will be very complicated”, the president of the FFR says no to a return of the player to the French team

The president of the French Federation (FFR) Florian Grill, re-elected this Saturday, October 19, opposed on Sunday a possible return to the French team of fullback Melvyn Jaminet, after racist proposals made during the tour in Argentina in July.

“Frankly, from my point of view, it will be very complicated and if you ask my opinion, for me it’s no”, affirmed the leader of the FFR, meeting on the future of Jaminet en Bleu, at the microphone of RMC Sport.

“At some point people have to understand that when we wear the rooster, when we represent , I’m sorry but there are things we don’t have the right to do. Maybe that’s it. “It’s a double penalty… I’m not the only one to decide and therefore these are things that we will see with the strategic office (of the FFR) and also with Fabien (Galthié, the coach)”, also indicated Florian Grill.

Jaminet (25 years old, 20 caps) was initially suspended for 34 weeks by the FFR disciplinary committee after the broadcast of a racist video on his social networks in July. The full-back, who returned to training with his club at the end of September, can benefit from an eight-week reduction in his suspension provided he completes community service.

Florian Grill, also on a possible return to the French team of Oscar Jégou and Hugo Auradou, charged with rape in Argentina, recalled that their international future would depend on the court’s decision. “For Jégou and Auradou, we have been very clear: they will not play again for the French team as long as there is no dismissal. And for them to play again for the French team, it will also be necessary that they offer adequate sporting performance,” declared the president of the Federation at the microphone of RMC Sport.

The examination of the request for dismissal, in other words for abandonment of the proceedings, against the two players, was adjourned to a future hearing which is to be held on Friday.




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