New evidence could relaunch the investigation!

New evidence could relaunch the investigation!
New evidence could relaunch the investigation!

Aurélien Canot, Media365, published on Thursday October 10, 2024 at 6:20 p.m.

New evidence, provided in recent hours by the plaintiff’s lawyers, could relaunch the investigation in the case concerning Hugo Auradou and Oscar Jegou, the two French rugby players indicted for aggravated rape in a meeting following facts that occurred in last July in Mendoza.

The Auradou-Jegou affair relaunched? One week before the dismissal hearing scheduled in Mendoza (Argentina), new evidence, officially placed in the file on Wednesday, could relaunch the case, we learn The Parisian. The lawyers of the plaintiff, a 39-year-old Argentinian, presented to the prosecution a medical certificate (established on October 3 by a hematologist) attesting to the fact that their client does not suffer from Willebrand disease, this syndrome which hinders the blood coagulation and had always been put forward by the advice of the two French rugby players arrested last July by the Mendoza police following events which allegedly took place on the night of July 6 to 7 last in a hotel in the city and then indicted for aggravated gang rape. The defense of the two players of the XV of had in fact always linked the numerous lesions (around fifteen) noted on the body of the complainant on the day of her filing of the complaint to this illness, which the alleged victim had herself. observed (“at grade 1, the lightest grade”). Which leads the plaintiff’s lawyers to say today that “the prosecution suffered from a sort of procedural fraud on the part of the defense, which (…) through an innumerable number of public declarations, maintained that the complainant was currently suffering from an illness, without a medical examination to prove it.”

The plaintiff’s lawyers denounce “procedural irregularities”

The Parisianwho obtained this new fourteen-page document brought to the file, reveals that this additional document which could completely relaunch the investigation is considered “high value evidence” by the plaintiff’s lawyers, who demand that the Judicial investigation continues. Natacha Romano and Mauricio Cardello also expressed their “formal opposition” to the dismissal of the case requested by the public prosecutor, which they consider “hasty” and “premature”. The two lawyers, who denounce “significant mistreatment” as well as “procedural irregularities”, also considered, alongside the provision of this new evidence, that it was necessary to deepen the psychological and psychiatric assessments carried out on Auradou. and Jegou and to complete those carried out on their client. The magistrate in charge of the investigation has continued the hearing to drop the charges to this day.



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