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Belgians dissatisfied at the border

Belgians dissatisfied at the border

Germany is reintroducing controls at its land borders. This measure will apply from September 16 to March 15, 2025 with Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark. The borders with Austria have been subject to controls since May, those with Switzerland, Poland and the Czech Republic since June, and those with France since July. The country is practically returning to the era of internal border controls in Europe.

Berlin is not alone in this approach. Ten Schengen countries have already reintroduced controls at some of their borders in 2024 for reasons of combating terrorism and controlling irregular immigration.

Reactions at the border

These control procedures could cause inconvenience, especially for those who live near the borders and who often travel between two countries. This is the case for the inhabitants of Eupen, a German-speaking Belgian city located a few kilometers from the border, many of whom shop in Germany for cheaper prices and a larger selection.

If it becomes a problem for me to do my shopping, then I do not agree with this measure.” says Andreas, a German citizen who has lived in Belgium for 20 years and married a local woman.

I think freedom of movement is important because we are in a border area and every country needs to import and export something from abroad. And I think it is important to be able to come and go.

Truckers crossing the border seem resigned to losing a few extra minutes due to possible checks. Some of them are already used to the checks that have been in place for several months, especially those travelling between Eastern European countries or from the United Kingdom.

Paul, a driver from Yorkshire, doesn’t seem too bothered, given the efficiency and speed of the German police.

After Brexit, we noticed that the Germans are very good at controls. Sometimes in less than 15 minutes the bureaucracy is sorted out, you can leave.“.”

He often crosses the German border, coming from Belgium or the Netherlands, and even if the checks are annoying for drivers, he thinks the German government is right.

Six months ago, while my truck was parked, migrants managed to enter and hide. They traveled without my knowledge to the border, then, when I stopped, they cut the tarpaulin with a knife and jumped out“.

The return of controls is of particular concern to those who knew Europe before the Schengen area and who remember the lengthy border procedures.


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