Boxing, handball, basketball… our Top 5 mangas celebrating sport


L‘fulfillment, brotherhood and surpassing oneself through the confrontation of others is a theme dear to both sport and Shonen, the manga for teenagers. This is why sports manga are omnipresent on the market, more than in any other type of comic strip. On the occasion of the end of the Paris Paralympic Games, Le Point Pop invites you to (re)discover five of the best titles of the genre, from the most unknown to the most cult.

READ ALSO Mangas: our six best titles to devour this summer!

Handball in Little Hands

Latest news from Pika editions, Little Hands has been available since July 3 in French bookstores. It is a handball manga, which tells the story of the arrival at high school of Mikage Ishino, a fiery young boy determined to follow in the footsteps of his father, a Japanese handball star. But in a sport where size is one of the most important qualities, Mikage and his small one meter sixty have a hard time asserting himself. The high school student works hard to compensate for his small size with his flexibility and the power of his wrist, and realize his dream, to join his campus team and make it the best in Japan.

Wrapped up in three small volumes, it is the perfect gateway if you know nothing about manga. The drawing is classic, but effective. It allows the reader to discover a sport rarely represented in Japanese comics. Volume 2 comes out in September, and the […] Read more


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