For a living democracy, at work as in civil life – Libération

For a living democracy, at work as in civil life – Libération



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Faced with a democracy exhausted by an overly concentrated power and obsessed by an unbalanced economic system, the business world must begin its democratic revolution, points out business leader Güney Degerli. So that the malaise at work does not have repercussions on civic life.

par South Valued, head of an SME with 35 employees based in Marseille

“Voted.” Two words that once sounded like a promise, a commitment, a right won at the highest price. Two words that now barely escape the lips of the French, stifled under the weight of a feeling of abandonment that seems irreversible. They no longer believe in them. They no longer believe in this play of shadows, in these political rituals that appear to them as a masquerade of a power confiscated by a handful of elitists who represent only themselves. How could they still believe in them, when “nothing changes” and that promises fade as quickly as they are made? The public service is in decline, purchasing power is eroding, the country is sinking into downgrading compared to the great powers, while populism, like gangrene, is spreading across the social body. Each election seems meaningless, hackneyed, emptied of its substance – whether it is the betrayed referendum of 2005 or the pyromaniac legislative elections of 2024. And, in the meantime, power is becoming more concentrated, deaf to the cries of the people. The music of a power that is not representative of the French, accompanied by notes of fatalism, sounds the death knell of a sick democracy.

The leading party in France has become that of the abstainers, those millions of citizens for whom voting no longer serves any purpose, except to validate a sinister farce where everyone pulls in all directions a cover that is too narrow


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