This Monday, before the Namur labor court, he requests a revision of his nest egg, which he considers insufficient. He also requests the intervention of the mediation account for two exceptional expenses. He has just completed his Mazout tank for just over 1000 euros. And his daughter takes driving school lessons.
“It was not a slap. She shouted. I shouted. We were angry.”
Why this alimony?
John’s daughter, let’s talk about it. She is last secondary and lives with her dad. However, John continues to pay alimony to his ex. The judge does not understand why. “”If you finance your daughter, there is no reason to pay alimony to the mother. “ John retorts that he only complies with a judgment. The judge advises her to request a revision. The money John pays every month to his daughter’s mother would be very useful to repay her debts.
It was then that another man, which has been silent so far, comes. “”Sir, you asked to be heard in this file. We listen to you “said the judge. “”Please receive mehe replies. I am one of the creditors and I am here because I oppose these collective debts regulations. I am convinced that Mr. organized his insolvency. He has history in France. He made false writing. And he sent me insults and threats “he lets go, showing a letter to the court. “”His situation is not due to bad luck. He hid his income, he has had different CPAS but he lives on a large foot, while he owes me thousands of euros. He abuses people he meets. “
The judge immediately reappears the man: “We are not here to judge. We are in a collective debt settlement procedure. “ “Yes but I cannot find normal that he can benefit from facilities. He thinks of him before reimbursing his creditors. It is placed hair implants, it is expensive! But he does not pay his debts. I received zero euro. I request a procedure via a bailiff and that my rights be respected. “
In front of the court, Mohamed and Riad do not have the same version: “Mr. continues to pay my head”
Bad faith?
The judge explains to John’s creditor that he can request a revocation, but that today, she cannot decide. “”That said, she adds, Is revocation a good thing for you, sir? I’m not sure. “
The judge however warns John: “Know that the mediator will be on your back! “ John’s lawyer finally speaks. “”Has my client experienced above his means? Yes. Did he organize his own insolvency? Is it in bad faith? No ! Moreover, he had requested a spread of the reimbursement of his debt to sir, but he refused. As for the debts contracted in France in the past, know that they have been reimbursed. And now my customer is in RCD and he works to repay his debts. He even put his end -of -year bonus on the mediation account. “
-She adds to the judge that she will request the cancellation of the judgment which forces John to pay alimony for her daughter. The lawyer tells herself that the mother could even, in the opposite direction, contribute to John’s expenses to her daughter. “”All means will be implemented so that the RCD holds the road “she concludes.
“Thank you for the complaint and for the 48 hours at the police station”
For everyone, even the craples
The creditor does not give up. “”It is not normal not to reimburse anything when he has his own car. It is expensive, a car! “he attacks. “”Yes, it challenged me too, retorts the judge. But I checked. It is not a new car. She is seventeen years old and he needs it to go to work. “
But the creditor continues to complain against this RCD procedure. “”The law is badly done “he swings. “”You are right, you must write to the legislator “replied the most seriously judge in the world. “”There are people who are craples, who may have killed their mother, but they are entitled to the RCD. It is the law. The law is unfair, but it is thus made. “
“It’s frustrating, I don’t receive anything, me”plague the creditor. The judge nods: “I understand. It is a procedure full of frustration. But wait, we are only at the beginning. And don’t think it will be easier with a bailiff. If your bailiff captures sir, he will have to share with other creditors. You will not have everything. I am not sure that you will see more the color of your money. “
The creditor does not give up and burns, a little naively, his last cartridge: “Could Mister not be voluntarily leaving the RCD procedure and reimbursing me as a priority, as a sign of his good will? “. The judge remains calm but nevertheless thinks: “If Monsieur decides to shoot himself in the foot to show you his good faith, just to please you, it is his right. But it may be better for him to stay in RCD … “
And the judge to close the debates. She announces a judgment, on the amount of John’s nest egg, for February 17.