Following these incidents, the club consulted with the City of Charleroi, fan coaching, security officials and the police to take a series of measures. Smoke bombs will now be banned in the stadium and supporters “identified during the Charleroi-Union meeting, due to their active involvement in the various incidents that have occurred recently” are banned from the stadium for the rest of the season. “The main parties concerned will be officially informed as soon as possible.”
In its press release, the RCSC recalls that the use of smoke bombs causes “material damage, but also seriously endangers the physical integrity of our caring supporters, while systematically generating considerable financial fines for the club. As such, the bill per season reaches almost 100,000 euros.”
For all stakeholders, the situation “has become intolerable and cannot remain unaddressed. From now on, a zero tolerance policy will be put in place. The club will no longer accept smoke bombs within its premises and will take firm measures against any infringement in this regard.”