«Nomenclature». Word spread in the press after Gérald Darmanin, interviewed on LCI on Sunday January 12, announced his intention to lift the option offered to a certain number of Algerians to travel to France without any visa. The Minister of Justice's announcement comes against a backdrop of deterioration in relations between Algiers and Paris, particularly in connection with the arrest in November of the Franco-Algerian writer Boualem Sansal on Algerian soil, then more recently of Algerian influencers in France.
“There is an agreement from 2013, which is a government agreement, which allows those who have an official passport, an Algerian diplomatic passport – there are thousands of them – [de venir] in France without a visa to be able to move freely”, exposed Gérald Darmanin. “We must remove this facility”, assured the Minister of Justice, still insisting: “Before 2013, there was no such facility.” “Everything that can improve, in French law as in international agreements, [la protection] of our country must be done”, he then summarized.