Thierno Amadou Hady Tall was the victim near the Mauritanian border of a kidnapping attributed to the Support Group for Islam and Muslims (GSIM, or Jnim following the Arabic acronym), a jihadist alliance affiliated with Al-Qaeda. He died after the kidnapping during his transfer to a place where he was to be interrogated, says a sound recording attributed to Amadou Koufa, one of the leaders of Jnim.
A family member, speaking to AFP on condition of anonymity for his safety, said “credible” the announcement of his death. Thierno Amadou Hady Tall was injured during the kidnapping while returning in a convoy of cars from a religious meeting, he reported.
Jnim, a supporter of a rigorous literal application of Islam, accused Thierno Amadou Hady Tall of dealing with the Malian state, which is being fought by jihadist groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State organization.
Thierno Amadou Hady Tall was the Caliph General of Tijaniya, one of the main currents of Sufism in West Africa, and preached non-violence.