Lhe founder of the think-thank Afrikajom Center expressed his support on Friday for Maimouna Ndour Faye, CEO of the 3M multimedia Group.
« I support the boss of 7TV, Maimouna Ndour Faye, female press boss, we can count them on the finger of one hand. It is also valuable to promote the genre in the press, as everywhere. I support her because she is a great professional, who has had a remarkable career, courageous and a fighter. It attempts to cultivate pluralism, diversity and balance by giving everyone a voice.“wrote Alioune Tine.
Today, he continues, she is going through a difficult ordeal that threatens her home, which is why I give her all my support.
« The image of 5 gendarmerie vehicles with 75 men parked in front of a television that is about to be stripped of its equipment is not very pretty in a democracy. We should avoid these forms of intimidation, it’s outdated.
We must hope that this affair ends for the best for the brave Maimouna and for all the staff of 7tv“, he concluded.
Birama Thior – Senegal7