A young owl named Moonborn in a forest in the American hinterland, unexpectedly finds himself trapped in the Christmas tree destined for Rockefeller Plaza Of New York. Completely unprepared for the lights and noises of the city that never sleeps, the little animal tries to escape from the “jungle” of skyscrapers of the Big Apple, attempting to return home. This is where he meets Lunathe only little girl who decides to pay attention to the scared bird. The two embark on a heartwarming adventure together, forming a deep bond on their journey to their respective families.
The animated short “An Almost Christmas Story”
The plot of the film is summarized in these few lines An Almost Christmas Storythe Disney+ animated short released during the Christmas holidays. The film (which lasts about twenty minutes) is signed by David Loweryaccompanied for the occasion by an exceptional producer: Alfonso Cuaronthe Mexican director known to the general public for the Oscar-winning film Romafrom 2018, which he produced last year, again for Disney The Pupil Of Alice Rohrwacher.
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The short on Disney+
Presented last October at Tokyo Film Festivaland available on the digital platform Disney+the short film is entirely in English, with a voice cast that also includes the actor’s participation John C. Reilly.
Disney’s Christmas 2024
An Almost Christmas Story However, it is not the only Disney short presented to the general public for Christmas. In fact, just a few weeks ago it also made its debut on the Internet The child and his octopus friendthe four-minute film signed by the Oscar winner Taika Waititi and created in collaboration with Make-A-Wish International – the non-profit organization that since 1993 has made the dreams of children suffering from serious illnesses come true.
Also in this case the plot is guided by the relationship between a child and an animal, protagonists of an adventure full of good feelings.
Alex Urso
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