SENEGAL-PRESS-REVIEW / In the headlines, the standoff between the government and the National Assembly – Senegalese Press Agency

SENEGAL-PRESS-REVIEW / In the headlines, the standoff between the government and the National Assembly – Senegalese Press Agency
SENEGAL-PRESS-REVIEW / In the headlines, the standoff between the government and the National Assembly – Senegalese Press Agency

Dakar, 1is Jul (APS) – The daily newspapers received Monday at the Senegalese Press Agency (APS) highlight the cancellation of the Budget Orientation Debate (DOB) by the office of the National Assembly after the Prime Minister demanded the modification of the internal regulations of the parliamentary institution before making its general policy declaration before the deputies.

”The parliamentary majority blocks the budgetary orientation debate”, headlines Sud Quotidien. ”The office of the National Assembly has decided to postpone the budgetary orientation debate which was planned the day before yesterday, Saturday June 29, in the hemicycle. According to the president of the parliamentary group Benno Bokk Yaakar Abdou Mbow, this decision was taken following the refusal of Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko to make his general policy declaration in a National Assembly which does not recognize the post of Prime Minister, explains Sud .

Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko demanded the modification of the internal regulations of the National Assembly before making his general policy statement to the deputies. In response, the Bureau of the National Assembly cancelled, on Saturday, the holding of the Budget Orientation Debate.

In Sud Quotidien, Dr. Momar Thiam, a doctor of political communication, believes that “the prospect of a solution to the crisis surrounding the general policy statement which currently pits the Prime Minister against the National Assembly is the readjustment of the internal regulations of parliament.”

Guest of the show Objection on Sudfm radio yesterday, Sunday June 30, the former member of the Communication Center of the Presidency of the Republic under the liberal regime of President Abdoulaye Wade, ”warned that we are finally moving towards a dissolution of the National Assembly, failing to correct the inadequacies of the internal regulations.

In L’Observateur, former MP Théodore Monteil emphasizes that the non-fulfilment of the DOB has “no effect on the functioning of public finances.” “The DOB is an information stage. The minister comes with a general report with the Multi-annual Budgetary and Economic Programming Document and the Multi-annual Expenditure Programming Document and the MPs debate on that. (…). The DOB is just information that allows them to prepare for the upcoming budget marathon. There will therefore be no impact,” said former MP Théodore Monteil.

According to Vox Populi, ”the crisis is growing between the majorities in power and in the Assembly”. ”From latent, through interposed declarations of intent and war, the institutional crisis between the Executive and the Legislature becomes manifest (….)”, says the newspaper.

”The conflict between the Executive and the National Assembly materialized in the cancellation of the budgetary orientation debate scheduled for June 29, 2024 by the office of the National Assembly. The majority deputies denounce the attitude of Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko who has not yet made his General Policy Declaration (DPG)”, writes EnQuête, which displays on the front page ”The hemicycle takes the sword against Ousmane Sonko”.

According to WalfQuotidien, ”the irreconcilable positions between the government and the parliamentary majority have placed Senegal in an institutional political crisis”. ”The dissolution of the National Assembly announced by leaders of the presidential movement seems to be the only possible outcome,” writes the newspaper.

Le Soleil highlights the Prime Minister’s visit to the Colobane market following the eviction of street vendors. ”Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko visited the Colobane market yesterday. He toured the trading place to see the consequences of the eviction operations initiated by the town hall and deliver a message from the Head of State”, the publication reports, stressing that Ousmane Sonko asked the town hall to ”show compassion, while waiting to find solutions”.

In these operations to evict the markets, the daily Bës Bi smells ”the muted Ousmane Sonko-Khalifa Sall war”. ”Anger has been growing among street vendors for several weeks due to the eviction operations from certain markets in Dakar. But Colobane was the straw that almost broke the camel’s back for patience. The Prime Minister visited the site yesterday to see more clearly. But in his words the day before, Sonko insinuated sabotage, as Abass Fall claimed, by certain mayors. And it is those who are close to Khalifa Sall who are targeted. However, it was the Minister of the Interior, Jean Baptiste Tine, who had, in a circular of May 7, given instructions to this effect,” writes the newspaper.




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