“Valais is launching a unique program for the integration of migrants with the commitment of a wildlife ranger… the joys of copying and pasting ????”, joked on LinkedIn Me Sébastien Fanti, lawyer and former data protection and transparency officer for the Canton of Valais.
Reading the “Nouvelliste” on Friday, some job seekers must have swallowed their coffee wrong. Indeed, in a package of announcements, which could not be more official, the State of Valais claims to be looking for a “wildlife guard” from the Office for the Integration of Migrants. “A new challenge” at first glance scandalous, but which visibly also made second-degree followers smile.
Contacted, the head of the State Human Resources Service, Gilbert Briand, explains that the publication is a “small error” by a colleague. “Every year, there is a large volume of work to be processed,” he explains. Normally, there is always a proofreading for these announcements, but, due to lack of time, the error went unnoticed this time. This is the first time this has happened to us. I would like to apologize for this error. Besides, on the internet, the text is correct. We will make the correction in next Tuesday’s edition of “Nouvelliste.”
For the record, it is a specialist in integration and responsible for controlling who is really wanted by the Population and Migration Service. It remains to be seen whether real wildlife wardens will have applied by then.