AI is on everyone’s lips – but what impact does this technology have on our economy and what should we do to ensure that Switzerland benefits from it? PWC, Swico and economiesuisse are examining these questions in a joint white paper.
AI, a prosperity booster that we absolutely must use
Like other studies, the white paper sees a possible increase in value creation of around 3.6% of GDP over the next ten years. But the study also shows that AI has even greater potential for our country, because the growth induced by AI would spread throughout the economy: For a large number of the twenty sectors studied, we observe thus an impact on productivity capable of creating prosperity.
A promising situation
Switzerland has a promising “biotope” for AI. The training and research sectors as well as the dual training system are excellent, the workforce well-trained, the companies innovative and agile and the communication infrastructures quality. It is therefore appropriate to develop and promote these advantages in the coming years.
Switzerland well placed to benefit from AI – with the right framework conditions
For Switzerland to make the most of its assets, AI regulations must be well designed. The white paper here analyzes three scenarios for regulation and concludes that a smooth “evolution” of the legal framework is the ideal path towards sustainable and pragmatic regulation of AI:
- Status quo: no new instruments. Risk: legal uncertainty and therefore delays in innovation
- Evolution: targeted adaptations of existing laws, principled and technologically neutral, where necessary and sensible. Advantage: flexible promotion, without over-regulation.
- Legal break: a new general and specific law on AI. Risk: rigid requirements and a lack of anticipation that hinder innovation. The authors advocate the “Evolution” scenario, which combines flexibility and legal certainty and creates room for innovation. They emphasize that Switzerland should act now to avoid being left behind.
The authors advocate the “Evolution” scenario, which combines flexibility and legal certainty and creates room for innovation. They emphasize that Switzerland should act now to avoid being left behind.
Access the study (in German)