Taiwan announces that it has detected 41 Chinese military planes around the island

Taiwan announces that it has detected 41 Chinese military planes around the island
Taiwan announces that it has detected 41 Chinese military planes around the island

The day before, China had already declared that it included the death penalty in the range of criminal sanctions targeting “diehard” supporters of Taiwan’s independence.

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said on June 22 that it had detected 41 Chinese planes around the island, after multiple intrusions since the inauguration in Taipei of new President Lai Ching-te.

China considers the autonomously governed island of Taiwan to be part of its territory and says it is ready to reconquer it by force if necessary.

“Serious” sanctions for supporters of Taiwan independence

Of these 41 military aircraft, “32 crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait”, the ministry said in a statement, referring to the line which bisects this 180 kilometer wide strait between the island and mainland China. Seven Chinese ships were also detected around Taiwan in the 24 hours before 6:00 a.m. (10:00 p.m. Paris time). The ministry adds that it has “monitored the situation and reacted accordingly”.

This Chinese incursion into the vicinity of Taiwan comes after China included the death penalty for cases “particularly serious”in judicial directives made public Friday on the criminal sanctions planned against supporters “irreducible” of Taiwan’s independence, state media reported.




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