in video, all the tests of the semi-final clash

in video, all the tests of the semi-final clash
in video, all the tests of the semi-final clash

Toulouse and Rochelais face each other in the semi-final of the Top 14 in Bordeaux. Find all the tests on video.

The confrontation promised. The match started quickly and strongly. In Bordeaux, La Rochelle showed the power of its forwards. At the 11e minute, Toulouse does not jump into touch, to position itself in defense on the maul. Expected but powerful, the Rochelais advance, push, take advantage of the support of the three quarters to carry the Australian hooker Tolu Latu to the test. The first of a hot start to the match. Transformed by Antoine Hastoy. La Rochelle leads 7-3.

22′: the penalty 5 m from Toulouse is played manually with the forwards. Antoine Dupont takes over space on the left. With a long jump pass, he serves Blair Kinghorn who acrobatically flattens in two steps after a feint. Ramos conversion. Toulouse returns to 10-10.

31′: Toulouse insists, increases its domination. Dupont, in the maneuver, serves his winger Juan Cruz Malia with a jump pass. 2e test for Toulouse (15-10).

38′: The ball carried by La Rochelle sows panic in the Toulouse defense. Alldritt flattens with force. 23e test for La Rochelle. Transformed by Hastoy. La Rochelle leads 20-15 at halftime.

46′: the ball flies into Toulouse’s hands. Mallia passes to Ramos who passes to Kinghorn, the winger serves to contact Mauvaka who flattens. Toulpuse returns to 20-20.

52′: Toulouse center Santiago Chocobares counters a kick from Dulin and flattens between the posts. Transformation by Ramos (29-20).

79′: Bright opening at the foot of Ntamack who finds Lebel. The winger dives in the corner. 5e test for Toulouse. Ramos transformation (39-23).



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