the RN confirms its domination, the left in force, the Macron camp resists… Discover the Figaro poll

the RN confirms its domination, the left in force, the Macron camp resists… Discover the Figaro poll
the RN confirms its domination, the left in force, the Macron camp resists… Discover the Figaro poll

SURVEY – The latest wave of the Ifop-Fiducial study for The FigaroLCI and Sud Radio reveals a very strong nationalist breakthrough, up +15 points compared to 2022.

The Assembly as the French want it is starting to take shape. Ten days after the surprise dissolution, decided following the European elections, all the political groups are campaigning in the four corners of the country. Less than two weeks before the anticipated legislative elections, called for June 30 and July 7, the various alliances have been formed and the balance of power is beginning to crystallize. In any case, this is what the latest wave of the Ifop-Fiducial survey reveals for The Figaro, LCI and Sud Radio, published this Thursday, which provides initial voting intentions, without however outlining seat projections at this stage.

With participation in the first round estimated at 64%, the “union of the rights”, led by the National Rally – including the non-LR “ciottistes” -, is credited with 34%, a spectacular increase of + 15 points compared to in the last legislative elections of 2022. Gathered under the common banner of the New Popular Front…

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