“We will be rid of him and he will not have to learn Dutch”: Georges-Louis Bouchez not welcome at the federal level for the president of Vooruit

The president of Vooruit was particularly critical of Georges-Louis Bouchez, the president of the MR.

The president of Vooruit, Melissa Depraetere, strongly criticized the president of the MR in an interview published in De Tijd on Saturday. “Georges-Louis Bouchez is a character who cannot be trusted“, she asserts in particular.

The leader of the Flemish socialists is not prepared to enter a federal government with the N-VA, the CD&V, the MR and Les Engagés at any price, she makes clear in this interview with the Dutch-speaking daily, confirming hence the comments made a few days earlier by Conner Rousseau, the other leading figure of Vooruit.

We see that the parties invited to the negotiating table have diametrically opposed programs. The N-VA and MR want to save billions on health care. For us, it is totally excluded“, insists the one who is nevertheless expected to occupy a major ministerial post, since she stepped aside from the presidency of the party in favor of Conner Rousseau, who returned stronger than ever after his crossing of the desert.

On the contrary, we want to significantly raise the minimum wage. No other party has included this in its program“, adds Melissa Depraetere. “We want to talk, but it’s going to be very difficult“, she summarizes.

Very strong criticism of Georges-Louis Bouchez

In passing, the president of Vooruit sends a missile in the direction of the president of the MR with whom, she says, she does not feel much affinity.

Georges-Louis Bouchez is a character who cannot be trusted. That’s what everyone says. For four years, he was in opposition to his own government and it was successful for him. This does not bode well for the next government team.”

She does not see him becoming Prime Minister. “I don’t like to veto people, but it would be better if he became minister-president of Wallonia. So we will be rid of him and he won’t even have to learn Dutch.

2024 elections Melissa Depraetere georges-louis bouchez



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