why justice temporarily suspended the exclusion of Eric Ciotti from the presidency of the Republicans

Eric Ciotti leaves the headquarters of the Les Républicains party, in Paris, June 13, 2024. STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP

Two days after a first political office excluding him from the party, then after a second held on Friday morning June 14 taking the same decision, the summary judge of the Paris judicial court, seized by Eric Ciotti, decided, Friday evening, “to order as a precautionary measure (…) the suspension of the effects of the definitive exclusion decisions taken against Mr. Ciotti by the political bureau on June 12 and 14, 2024”.

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“Justice has spoken, I am president of the Republicans”the outgoing deputy for Alpes-Maritimes declared shortly after to Agence France-Presse. “For me, this decision [de maintien] was legal evidence, what was done was a form of amateurism and an attempt to take power which had no legal basis.he added.

The victory of the elected representative from the South-East, however, may only be temporary. The suspension of his exclusion is pronounced by a judge in summary proceedings, who only rules on emergency measures. His decision is only valid until“a fundamentally final decision” be pronounced, she specifies. And for good reason : [les] discrepancies [entre les deux parties] can only be resolved by an interpretation of the will of the parties and of the associative pact which falls within the sole discretion of the judge on the merits. (…) The summary judge [n’a] not to interfere in the governance arrangements of the Les Républicains party”, explains the president of the court, Maïté Grison-Pascail, in her decision.

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Lively exchanges

This substantive jurisdiction, which will definitively decide whether or not to exclude Eric Ciotti, will have to to be seized ” In [un] eight-day period »without what “the suspension measure ordered will lapse”.

Friday morning at the hearing, the exchanges were lively between the two parties, who each claimed to be Republicans. After intervention by the President, the two lawyers – the lawyer for the Republicans mandated by Eric Ciotti and that of the Republicans mandated by François-Xavier Bellamy and Annie Genevard (political office) – were authorized to plead, both delivering diametrically opposed interpretations of the party statutes.

“The statutes provide that the request for sanction is registered by the president. Did he request his own exclusion? It does not seem like “, exclaimed Philippe Prigent, lawyer for Eric Ciotti, also present. Benoît Verger, historic lawyer for the Republicans mandated by the political office, for his part estimated that Eric Ciotti had committed a ” heavy mistake “ by sealing an alliance with the National Rally for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 “without consultation” with the office – effectively placing it in contradiction with the statutes, which provide that the president is only a “performer” of a political line decided by the office.



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