European elections: between the east and west of Germany, this Berlin Wall that never fell

European elections: between the east and west of Germany, this Berlin Wall that never fell
European elections: between the east and west of Germany, this Berlin Wall that never fell

Delphine Nerbollier


Published on June 11, 2024 at 9:11 p.m. / Modified on June 11, 2024 at 9:13 p.m.

One black part, the other blue, and here and there, a green or red spot: here is the map of Germany following the European elections on June 9. Black is the color of the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) who came first in the west of the country, from north to south. Blue is the color of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Founded in 2013, this formation established itself as the main political force with nearly 30% of the votes in four of the five new Bundesländer integrated into Germany in 1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. As for the small red and green spots, they concern the social democratic and environmentalist strongholds of the city states of Bremen and Hamburg. The capital Berlin is like the country: black to the west, a green center and a blue suburb to the east.

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