Harassment: vast awareness-raising action in French-speaking Switzerland

Extensive action against harassment phenomena

Published today at 4:38 p.m.

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The Action Innocence foundation, in collaboration with the French-speaking Association CIAO, is launching an information campaign to raise awareness of the multiple forms that harassment can take.

Through twelve video clips particularly targeting 14-18 year olds, it addresses situations and behaviors that young people may be confronted with.

Objective: to give young people the power to act and confront them, or on the contrary to become aware of the scope of their own actions. By identifying situations of harassment, by defining what is specific and punishable about them, it is a question of reaffirming that they are unacceptable and that it is important for a victim not to remain alone and to ask for help. help.

From the street to work

Broadcast on the sites and various social networks of the two organizations, these capsules will successively address four themes, starting now with street harassment. It will be followed in October by sexual harassment at work, then in November by questions of mobbing. Finally, the last videos of the campaign will be dedicated in January 2025 to (cyber)harassment – ​​intimidation between students.

For each harassment phenomenon, two short videos present testimonies based on real situations, referring to the legal framework and providing advice.

Impact on anxiety

Violence is also uninhibited on social networks, with a direct impact on health, notably an increase in anxiety.

And the scourge is not weakening: in 2023, according to the umbrella associations, 305 cases of hateful attacks were reported to LGBTIQ-Helpline, twice as many as in 2022!

The French-speaking Association CIAO, responsible for the site ciao.ch, observes that many harassment situations are not considered as such and are even trivialized. As Laura Krenzi, project manager, points out, “it is important to raise awareness among young people and show them that even a situation that might seem trivial can contribute to a feeling of insecurity for the person experiencing it.”

Discover the videos on: www.actioninnocence.org


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Laurence Bézaguet has worked at the Tribune de Genève since 1995. Started his career at Courrier before working for six years at the daily La Suisse. Was also an independent journalist for eighteen months in Canada and wrote a book on the Crossing of the Harbor, published in 1996, with former State Councilor David Hiler. More informations

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