“Watnané bamay Nafissatou Diouf ba tay…”

“Watnané bamay Nafissatou Diouf ba tay…”
“Watnané bamay Nafissatou Diouf ba tay…”

Sidy Mohammed

June 11, 2024 at 1:51 p.m.

This Tuesday, June 11, 2024, Dr Nafissatou Diouf, former director of Télédiffusion du Sénégal SA (TDS), was summoned to the research brigade. According to the authorities, she is on the list of personalities required to return a presidential vehicle. A journalist from Iradio reports that Dr Diouf strongly contests this accusation, affirming that she has never worked at the presidency and specifying that it is a Peugeot 508 brand vehicle.

Dr Nafissatou Diouf reacted to this summons on Facebook, expressing his surprise. She posted a message detailing a call received from the Commander of the Dakar search brigade:

“Him: Hello Mrs. Am I okay with Dr Nafissatou Diouf?
Me: Yes, it’s herself.
Him: You are on a list of personalities who must return a Presidency vehicle.
Me: I have never worked at the Presidency and I have never received or driven a Presidency vehicle.
Him: Oh good? Yet you are on the list. This is a Peugeot 508 brand car.
Me: I am not aware of this vehicle. I have never driven a vehicle of the Presidency of the Republic of Senegal.
Him: Can you come to the search brigade?
Me: If I receive a summons, I will comply with it. »

Two hours later, Dr. Diouf reacted again on Facebook with very strong words in Wolof, swearing to have never needed anyone’s money. “I just received the summons on WhatsApp. Si barkèp Salatoul fatiha watnané bamay Nafissatou Diouf ba tay meussouma sokhla alla lou kèn. Sama guiir ak sama yaar aramal nagnou lolou. Sama yaye nénama ‘Bo démé nga fatalilènko’. Mou yokeussi nénama: ‘Boul tite, boul ragal Diouf. Bangay fayékou sa full scholarship university di ma si fayal mbindan ak banga amé simple balance journalist ba yoboumassi makkeu mak yalla réka kham. Do torokh mouk inshallah. Fougnoula wo woyououdjil. Ndam rek ngay am inshallah’. Dieureudieuf Seydi Kane. Dooundeul, wéreul. »

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