“My first baby was taken from me”, family and loved ones await answers

“My first baby was taken from me”, family and loved ones await answers
“My first baby was taken from me”, family and loved ones await answers

My first baby was taken from me. » The voice becomes veiled. Sonia, Donovan’s mother, can’t hold back her tears. The news shocked her on the spot, like the parents of the three other young people who died in the tragic accident on Sunday June 2, around 2:30 a.m. on the Libourne ring road, departmental 1083. She is still struggling to assimilate the new. Donovan, who had just turned 19, was the eldest of large siblings, “a child who didn’t bother anyone, who was only waiting to get his license, to look for work”. This evening, he spent it with friends and his cousin Mathéo, at a party organized in Moulin-Neuf, in Dordogne.

At Les Peintures and at Coutras, where most of the young victims come from, there is incomprehension. “I heard about them but I didn’t know them,” slips a customer from the Peintures bakery. People look for family names, try to put faces together, to know where and when they could have come across them. “I happened to see them on the square,” says a Coutrillon, “at the bar of a store near the town hall. But they didn’t go into the cafes. We didn’t really know them. »

In Coutras, since Sunday, the affair has been the talk of the town.


Town halls in support

These young people, no longer children, were no longer in the school system. Three of them were supported in their job search by teams from the local Mission of Libournais. Members expressed their sadness on social media. “The psychologists of the Youth Social Health Network will be able to make themselves available to offer support to young people who wish,” writes the association, which will not elaborate further on the issue.

In the town halls, in Coutras, whose mayor Jérôme Cosnard intends to provide “all the necessary support” to families, in Peintures or in the neighboring town of Églisottes-et-Chalaures, we are getting organized. “It is difficult to find the words,” expressed Armand Battiston, first magistrate of Paintings, on Monday June 3. I have already met the family of young Jonathan, residing in the town, I will see them again today. We offer administrative support to help him get through this difficult time. » He interrupts. Trembling, her face closed, Jonathan’s mother arrives at the town hall. “She is completely in shock,” sighs an elected official who came across her.

Astonishment and incomprehension

Sonia shares this astonishment, as does the incomprehension. She needs answers more than ever. In the city, rumors are rife, fueled by the cryptic post from the mayor of Libourne Philippe Buisson, who spoke of circumstances “extremely more complex than a simple road accident”. From several testimonies emerges the story of “an argument” at a nearby gas station, which would have resulted in a chase. “I’m waiting for the phone call from the police,” Sonia says without wanting to come forward. Analyzes are underway. “I won’t be able to get my son’s body back until Wednesday. It’s very hard… “

A “Tuesday morning” communication

Justice, for the moment, remains discreet. An investigation was opened on the charge of involuntary homicide, entrusted to the community of brigades of Libourne, with the research brigade, indicated Sunday evening June 2 the public prosecutor Loïs Raschel. Two individuals driving other vehicles were taken into custody the same afternoon. The magistrate refused Monday any additional communication in this sensitive matter, to allow investigators to carry out their work. A press release is expected Tuesday, June 4 in the morning.



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