OpenDevin – The AI ​​here code

OpenDevin – The AI ​​here code
OpenDevin – The AI ​​here code

After Devin and Devika, OpenDevin is an open source project that allows you to have a self-driving AI software engineer. Created by Cognition Labs, this little coding genius is capable of performing complex tasks and actively collaborating with developers on projects.

It’s still in development, so far from fulfilling all its promises, but OpenDevin will be able to completely autonomously generate code, detect bugs, optimize our programs…

To install it you will need:

  • Linux, Mac OS, or WSL on Windows
  • Docker (for those on MacOS, make sure to allow the use of the default Docker socket from the advanced settings!)
  • Python >= 3.11
  • NodeJS >= 18.17.1
  • Poetry >= 1.8

Then you will have to “c“build” the project, which includes setting up the environment and installing dependencies. This step ensures that OpenDevin is ready to run smoothly on your system.

make build

Note that OpenDevin supports a wide variety of language models (LM) thanks to the powerful litellm library. By default, OpenAI’s GPT-4 is the default model, but you have a choice.

To configure the LM of your choice, follow these steps:

  1. Use the Makefile: With just one command you can have a smooth LM setup for your OpenDevin experience. Just run: make setup-config This command will prompt you for the LLM API key and model name, ensuring that OpenDevin is tailored to your specific needs.
  2. Or go to the configuration manual: You can manually update the file config.toml located in the root directory of the project. There you will find the fields llm_api_key et llm_model_namewhere you can set the LM of your choice.

Once setup is complete, launching OpenDevin is as simple as running a single command. This command starts both the backend and frontend servers seamlessly, allowing you to interact with OpenDevin without any issues.

make run

If you prefer, you can start the backend server independently to focus on backend related tasks or configurations.

make start-backend

Similarly, you can start the frontend server alone to work on frontend related components or interface improvements.

make start-frontend

And if you need help:

make help

And there you have it! You are now ready to start using OpenDevin. Personally, I still prefer the manual approach in Project Manager mode with Cursor in particular. But maybe one day, a tool like OpenDevin will be smart enough to do everything from A to Z… who knows?



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