Pierre-Yves Jeholet and the MR defend themselves against any “personal attack” against Nabil Boukili

Pierre-Yves Jeholet (MR) and Nabil Boukili (PTB) were guests this Sunday on the show “Rendez-Vous”. A sequence from the program has since been controversial. Accused of xenophobia, Pierre-Yves Jeholet responds.

“You do not have to stay in Belgium.” This is the sentence that has been making the political world cringe for a few hours now.

Invited on the set of “Rendez-Vous”, this Sunday, Pierre-Yves Jeholet (MR) and Nabil Boukili (PTB) answered questions from Christophe Deborsu, in particular on the wearing of the Islamic veil. Nabil Boukili shared his views: “I am above all for the right of everyone to have a job and the veil must not be a reason for discrimination”. Christophe Deborsu then raised the issue of wearing the veil for police officers: “There are countries that do it”, he replied. The candidate ended up answering in the affirmative: “Yes, the veil should not be a reason for discrimination. We are for the emancipation of women and they should not be discriminated against based on their clothes.”

Nabil Boukili then clarified that these are “other countries like Iran that do it” and that the PTB is nott “not for this model”, Pierre-Yves Jeholet reacted as follows: “You are not going to come and give us lessons here in Belgium. There are rules, we respect them. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to stay in Belgium.”

These words have “scandalized” the PTB and Sofie Merckx, the group leader in the Chamber. A press release was quickly sent by the far-left party to share the astonishment and demand an apology from Pierre-Yves Jeholet and the MR.

Pierre-Yves Jeholet’s response

It was in the middle of the afternoon that the author of these remarks, in turn, reacted. Pierre-Yves Jeholet wanted to clarify the content of his remarks and clarify certain points, expressing regret at being accused of racism by his peers he frequents. “for several years“. “Belgium is a welcoming country, every citizen, whether Belgian or foreign, is respected and must benefit from an equal status whatever their personal convictions”, writes the Minister-President of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

“At the same time, living together is also based on a common base of rights and obligations.”, he continues. Let’s understand: everyone must respect the same rules to live together. “This is the only meaning of my remarks which is in no way a personal attack against my opponent.”, he defends himself. “Any other interpretation is bad faith which only motivates those who think they have a political interest to not want to understand and I deeply regret this.”

No excuses, therefore, for Pierre-Yves Jeholet, nor for the president of the MR Georges-Louis Bouchez. For the latter, this sequence does not present any personal or racist attack.

Pierre-Yves Jeholet nabil boukili ptb mr political controversy elections 2024



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