“Belgium remains a trash country for Islamist radicalism”

There is a lot of bitterness and incomprehension on the part of federal deputy Denis Ducarme (MR) as this parliamentary term ends and the House finds itself dissolved. “I don’t understand this naivety that we have in the face of Islamist radicalism. As if the lessons of the terrible attacks of March 2016 at Zaventem airport and the Maelbeek metro or that of October 2023 against Swedish football supporters had already been forgotten.


From 150 investigators to less than 70

What worries Mr. Ducarme so much? “Concerns that come back to me from the field, among others from anti-terrorism investigators (DR3). They who counted up to nearly 150 people in their ranks and who remain less than 70 today, despite the promises of the authorities still repeated after the attack of October 16. I don’t understand this underinvestment,” denounces Denis Ducarme. “However, there is no shortage of worrying signals: the entryism of the Muslim Brotherhood which is gaining ground, the Salafists who are launching ideological recruitment movements and targeting the younger generation. The services warn about these threats but do not see any awareness of this danger among the authorities. It’s very discouraging for these teams who are unable to stop the departures. »

The tribute to the Swedish supporters murdered in October 2023. Are we doomed to relive this type of deadly attack? – BELGA

Denis Ducarme also mentions orders to leave the territory (people staying illegally) which are not executed. “There were 113,000 between 2018 and 2023, even if several may have concerned the same person. I question the services. They don’t tell me that there are still potential terrorists like the murderer of the Swedish fans… In fact, they don’t know anything about it. They can just tell me that this is not a threat that can be averted. »

4-3 - Grand Duel - Ducarme-Crucke - 240420.jpg

Jean-Luc Crucke and Denis Ducarme open our series of major electoral duels: “A worker must earn at least €500 net more than an unemployed person” (video)

“The left that blocks”

The member is not any happier with what has happened in the House in recent years and months. “I carried a text at arm’s length on the sanctions to be applied to those who advocate terrorism, for example on social networks. It was a priority text for the MR. Nothing ! Some will be able to continue to applaud acts of terrorism without being worried; this freedom of expression is unacceptable, unsustainable. »

Denis Ducarme evokes another text, left stranded, giving the possibility of sanctioning and dissolving associations or small groups linked to radical, even terrorist, organizations. “People might tell me that I’m rambling and I know I’ve already talked about it, but when the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) was dissolved in France after the beheading of teacher Samuel Paty, it was born in Belgium under the name Collective against Islamophobia in Europe (CCIE). I could also cite Samidoun, an organization very active here, among other things in pro-Palestinian demonstrations, which is linked to the Palestine Liberation Front (PFLP), an organization recognized as terrorist by the European Union. Neighboring countries are adopting legislation that the left completely blocks in our country. »

Images of panic that we no longer hope to see in Liège.Images of panic that we no longer hope to see in Liège.

Threats linked to terrorism and extremism increased by 41% in 2023: 44 reports in Liège according to OCAM

“Fatal” naivety

A rant coupled with a sinister forecast: “If we do not lose our naivety in these matters, we will pay for it one day, I fear,” says Mr. Ducarme. “All these things that I have mentioned here must be at the heart of the negotiations for the formation of the next government. We really need to make a shift on these issues and believe me, everything I tell you here is absolutely not a fantasy, these are worrying signals coming from the field. »

If we do not lose our naivety in these matters, we will pay for it again one day, I fear: worrying signals are coming from the field

Denis Ducarmeoutgoing federal deputy MR


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