In the campaign with Sophie Wilmès: “Can we take a selfie?”

Elections 2024: given the rise of extremes, Sophie Wilmès does not exclude any democratic party

We found her in front of the crates of French melons, in discussion with a lady of a certain age, very concerned about the state of the world and in particular by the war of aggression led by Russia in Ukraine, at the gates of the European Union (EU). “If you want to avoid war, you must show, not that you are preparing for it, but that you are capable of winning it. The European project protected us from war but we are in a different world from before, we are obliged to adapt”explains the former Minister of Foreign Affairs. “But you must not start rationing yourself or building a bunker”she reassures her with a smile before leaving her.

We did not expect Sophie Wilmès to be the MR’s flagship candidate for the European Parliament. European Commissioner Didier Reynders was thinking about it while shaving, until the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, preempted the place of leader in January, before making an about-face. Sophie Wilmès had to battle with the president of the MR, Georges-Louis Bouchez, to obtain the head of the list.”I always wanted to work for my country. And I think that one of the great ways to do it is to also work in Europe”.

Charles Michel, anatomy of a fall

European values ​​and strategic autonomy

In the eyes of Sophie Wilmès, the European Union, “these are first of all values ​​defined by article 2 of the treaties (human dignity, freedom, democracy, rule of law, respect for human rights… Editor’s note) which allow us to create society”. She continues: “These values ​​are put at risk when extremes rise” – polls predict a strong surge of the far right across Europe for the elections. “We must continue to fight them”. It’s recorded : “The MR will not work with the extreme right”, neither at European level, nor at any other. The other element on which the candidate wants to emphasize is the development of“strategic autonomy” of the EU in terms of defence, energy supply and raw materials, in the industrial field to be able to successfully carry out the double climate and digital transition and the“food autonomy”guaranteed by the farmers – we’ll come back to that…


Europe is, first of all, values ​​that allow us to form a society. And they are in danger when extremes rise.

At one end of the market, singer Getch performs the South by Nino Ferrer. He puts down the guitar to speak with Sophie Wilmès, whom he met in 2016 when he sang during a ceremony in memory of the victims of the March 22 attacks. “Europe voted for austerity, when we need massive investments”, he denounces. The former Budget Minister refutes this vision and defends the new budgetary rules. “I wonder if I wasn’t a little technical…”, she asks herself. The argument, that said, seems to have been successful.

Sophie Wilmès continues her market tour. Greets some, who smile shyly at him. Initiate contact with those more inclined to start the discussion. And complies, with good grace, to the recurring request “Can we take a selfie?”. The (liberal) mayor Boris Dilliès arrives, walking his daughter, goddaughter of Sophie Wilmès, in a stroller. Nothing else exists for the candidate, who leaves Boris Dilliès to deal with a cyclist, always wearing a helmet, “very angry about the MR” whom she accuses “to do nothing for cycling in Brussels”. The break only lasts a moment, because Sophie Wilmès is expected at the Nivelles Agricultural Fair for midday.

Farmers, I understand you

It’s a day of celebration around the Sainte Gertrude de Nivelles collegiate church. Leaning against a Nadar barrier, Sophie Wilmès discusses the end of fat with Justine, and Lucas, from the Federation of Young Farmers. They were part of the angry movement of European breeders and farmers against the new Common Agricultural Policy. While the pieces of grilled meat are presented on a board and the bottles of beer are opened, the candidate congratulates the farmers “for highlighting the absurdity” European environmental rules. The obligation to maintain 4% of arable land fallow or to sow this or that from such to such a date, “it is not logical”. General approval.

The CAP stripped of part of its green measures: “A black day for agriculture”

”A glass of raw milk?”Sophie Wilmès, who discreetly got rid of her beer – an essential talent in the countryside – declined the offer. Accompanied by her running mate Benoît Cassart (3rd) and the regional candidate, Anne-Catherine Dalcq, both farmers, the liberal crosses the enclosure set up on the pavement of the main square, among the cattle. He was introduced to a “Belgian Blue White” breeder, who had come with his sons and grandsons. “I would like to take a photo to show my wife”.

Sophie Wilmès, head of the MR list in the European elections, with her running mate, Benoît Cassart and Lucie Rousselle, at the Nivelles Agricultural Fair. ©cameriere ennio

Campaigning for yourself and others

Sophie Wilmès continues her tour. As in Brussels, she is accompanied by a squad of liberals: in addition to Benoît Cassart and Anne-Catherine Dalcq, her running mates Laura Hidalgo and Lucie Rousselle follow her as well as regional candidates, including Walloon minister Valérie De Bue, local to the stage, and Tanguy Struyckens. Mayor Pierre Huart and alderman Germain Dalne (MR itou) act as guides. Why deprive yourself of the opportunity to appear with one of the most popular political figures in the country?

To tell the truth, Sophie Wilmès campaigns more for others than for herself, which she confirms. “This is the time during the electoral period when we need to make ourselves known”. In any case, she doesn’t need to introduce herself. A stop at the stand of the Jean de Nivelles brotherhood. Another to that of the al djote tart, a sacred local specialty, where she must refuse the offered portion – “I am lactose intolerant. I know, it ruins the mood a little, eh”. Stop again at the bar of the sisterhood – the first of its kind – Sainte-Gertrude, which sells beer and biscuits for the benefit of associations helping women and children in difficulty.

A strong comeback in Belgian politics? Sophie Wilmès is at a crossroads

The sausage and ketchup bread that we brought him will have to wait. “Sophie, you have a photo request”. Once, twice… ten times, she takes the break, without ever straining her smile. Once, twice… ten times, the former Prime Minister is told “Thank you for everything you did during the Covid period”. A middle-aged trio says to him: “You were exemplary”. Forgotten, the controversies and criticisms of the time which targeted the political powers, including the federal government which she led. What measure taken during confinement are these people who refer to it precisely? We won’t know anything about it. No doubt it is her attitude, compassionate – one would not dare say: maternal – and this formula, “Take care of yourself and others” which earned him recognition and even affection. “You left a void”, Nadia tells him, accompanied by her husband and two children. Before adding to our attention: “She had a lot of courage. She is admired by all Belgian women”. In April 2022, Sophie Wilmès took a step back to take care of her husband and father of her four grown children, who died last November from cancer.

Sophie Wilmès (right) on the main square in Nivelles. ©cameriere ennio

A false start towards the European Parliament?

The people who approach her talk to her about the difficulty of hiring, of finding work, of the shortage of nursing staff or, she emphasizes, “to tell me life stories”. She gives them patient attention, brings out her party’s language elements, without it being too ostensible. César and Louis are going to vote for the first time. Considering themselves poorly informed, they come to seek advice from Sophie Wilmès. She explains that “the cardinal value [du MR] is freedom”. Then complete: “I think our party is the best, but there are others. Go check out the sites, do the electoral tests. Talk to your parents. I’m not kidding you, you’re smart enough to form your own opinion.”. A few steps away, a line has formed, of people who want to say a word to him or take yet another selfie.

A strong comeback in Belgian politics? Sophie Wilmès is at a crossroads

Even if there is very little mention of Europe in the discussions, most of the people who question her know that she is a candidate at this level. “They say they regret that I left. But I’m not leaving”, she assures. There is absolutely no doubt that Sophie Wilmès will obtain a mandate as a European deputy. How long will she sit in the chamber? It is hard to imagine that she would not obtain a ministerial portfolio if the MR remains in power. “Today, the choice is at the European level, that’s certain,” she assures. She recalls that after the elections, she will participate in government formation negotiations, with Georges-Louis Bouchez “because that is the mandate that I was given. And then we’ll see what opens up. So.”



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