what traffic on the RER and in the Transilien trains?

what traffic on the RER and in the Transilien trains?
what traffic on the RER and in the Transilien trains?
DIMITAR DILKOFF / AFP SNCF strike this Tuesday, May 21: what traffic on the RER and the Transilien? (illustrative image)


SNCF strike this Tuesday, May 21: what traffic on the RER and the Transilien? (illustrative image)

TRANSPORTATION – If you can telecommute, that might be best. Traffic will be “very seriously disturbed” this Tuesday, May 21 for suburban and RER trains operated by SNCF due to a strike by Ile-de-France railway workers on the eve of a day of negotiations on bonuses received during the Olympic Games.

The RER D and line R of the Transilien will be the most affected lines, with only one train in five and only during peak hours (from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.). There will only be two trains out of five on the RER E, which will not run between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and will not serve many stations.

The RER C will also be particularly disrupted with two trains out of five, only between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., depending on the branch. That’s on average one train every 15 to 30 minutes during rush hour. Many stations will also not be served.

On Transilien line V, there will be only one train per hour, during rush hour.

RER A and B a little more spared

Elsewhere on the network, the RER A, the most used line with more than a million passengers per day, will be almost spared because it is operated by the RATP, with the exception of a branch going towards Poissy where there will be one train out of two.

Same thing for the RER B where there will be one train out of two on the northern part (SNCF) and two out of three on the southern part (RATP). Finally, the other Transilien lines (suburban trains) will see one train in three run (H, J, L, N, U).

The movement, initiated by Sud-Rail and the CGT-Cheminots, joined in places by Unsa-Ferroviaire but also FO-Cheminots (non-representative union of the SNCF), promised to be particularly followed. As of Friday, Sud-Rail warned that more than 90% of drivers intended to go on strike.

The railway workers are seeking to put pressure on management, on the eve of a conclusive meeting on the bonuses allocated to agents mobilized during the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Sud-Rail regrets for the moment that only compensation of 50 euros gross per day worked during the competitions has been provided. At RATP, where negotiations are completed, agents mobilized between July 22 and September 8 will receive on average a bonus of 1,000 euros gross.

Due to the disruptions, SNCF recommends postponing travel or favoring teleworking.

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