Thousands of people march in the capital during Brussels Pride (photos)

DThousands of people parade through the streets of the capital on Saturday afternoon on the occasion of Brussels Pride, the big annual day of the LGBTQIA+ community in Belgium. The organizers expect 250,000 people. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Deputy Prime Minister Petra De Sutter, as well as Walloon Minister-President Elio Di Rupo, were notably present to kick off this festive and colorful parade.

The various political leaders highlighted the festive nature of Pride, but also the necessity and importance of continuing to defend the rights and freedoms of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Participants in Brussels Pride 2024. – Belga.

“Our rights are under pressure,” said Minister De Sutter. “We know that the far right wants to threaten the human rights of you, of me, of everyone who is here today. We are not going to let this happen. We are all gathered today to show that there are many of us and that we should not be ashamed of who we are and what we love. »

Read also
Brussels Pride: when the LGBT+ community demands more radicalism

“The far right threatens the freedom of LGBTQIA+ people,” said Elio Di Rupo. “We must continue to fight, with joy and happiness, for the freedom of all. »

Participants in Brussels Pride 2024. – Belga.

This year’s Pride theme is “Safe Everyday Everywhere,” and promotes a society where everyone, regardless of their orientation or background, can feel free.



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