Tenants, owners, real estate agents… The (contrasted) reactions to the announcements on DPE and thermal strainers

Tenants, owners, real estate agents… The (contrasted) reactions to the announcements on DPE and thermal strainers
Tenants, owners, real estate agents… The (contrasted) reactions to the announcements on DPE and thermal strainers

Michel Barnier announced this week that the Energy Performance Diagnosis (DPE) would be “simplified”, and the timetable for banning the rental of thermal strainers “adapted”.

TF1’s 8 p.m. went to meet French people and professionals concerned.

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The 8 p.m.

Christian is one of the thousands of owners relieved by the announcements of Michel Barnier, who declared Tuesday before the deputies that the timetable for the ban on the rental of thermal strainers would be “adapted“. His apartment, on the fourth floor of a building in , is classified G. Until now, it was planned that housing in this category could no longer be rented from January 1, 2025, then F housing from from 2028 and finally E housing from 2034.

From now on for Christian, there is no longer any question of rushing to do renovation work, or of fearing a shortfall. “We have to double the walls, we have to do all the insulation, maybe change the hot water tank. This will allow us to be under less pressure and to take the time to do things correctly.“, he rejoices.

“We must tell our owners that they are continuing the work”

Michel Barnier’s announcement, although quite vague (especially since the Minister of Housing, Valérie Létard, assured Wednesday that the government was not going to “question the whole scheduler” of the ban on the rental of energy strainers), is on the agenda of the meeting of the real estate agency Century 21 where our report continues at the top of this article. “We must tell our owners that they continue to do the work“, says the director, Dayan Lomont, to his team. He can reassure his customers, but wants to remain realistic. The ban on renting energy strainers, 10% of the French fleet, has only been postponed. “Of course, we’re pushing back a little, but it will come one dayhe emphasizes in front of our camera. So we will indeed be able to spread out the work a little, and it will result in less spending at once. But remember we were months away from getting zero“.

As for tenants, the relaxation of the timetable is not unanimous, even if it will expand the real estate offer.

I was in F accommodation, and it cost me more than 150 euros per month, it’s absurd, for a student it’s not possible“, reacts a young woman interviewed by our team. “I’ve been looking for four months to find new accommodation, but after that, I don’t want to move back to somewhere where the cold and humidity come in.” said another student.

  • Read also

    DPE, energy strainers, renovation… What to expect in the coming months?

In , energy performance diagnostics (DPE) are mandatory. The professional our team then meets carries out nearly 800 each year. The criteria for reaching the different levels should also be “simplified“, according to the new Prime Minister.”The calculation method is criticized for many thingsreacts Antoine Mazron, manager of the Bordeaux DPE agency Pythéas. Now, it is still quite reliable when used correctly, that is to say, it does the job well.“.

Even if the schedule is much relaxed, thermal strainers are still destined to disappear in the long term. For the mayor of Bordeaux, an environmentalist, Michel Barnier’s announcement is a step backwards. “He must have forgotten that the Citizens’ Convention for the Climate had made thermal renovation a priority“, points out Pierre Hurmic.

Last July, a first simplification of energy performance diagnostics had already seen the light of day, making it possible to penalize the rating less.

The editorial staff of TF1info | Report Anaïs Lebranchu, Florian Gourdin



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