Municipal finances: Morges’ recurring stroke of luck

The recurring stroke of luck of the Morgian accounts

Published today at 3:02 p.m.

An elected official who predicts a deficit of 10.3 million in the budget and who ultimately announces a negative result ten times lower (1.4 million) should be able to puff out his chest and boast of his talents as a conjurer.

However, it is with great restraint that the Morgien municipal finance minister, David Guarna (Entente), revealed this “good news”, because it is largely explained by a new stroke of luck: a tax catch-up of a company for an amount of 12 million and an estate which brought 2 million into the coffers.

Supposed to be exceptional, this contribution certainly is, except that it occurs for the third time in a row. Monsanto first – 10.8 million in 2021 – then this mystery company which does not scream poverty with 5 million in 2022 and another 12.5 in 2023. “His slate is now cleared,” specifies the big financier.

Unknown benefactor

The burning question is knowing the identity of the benefactor. “Tax secrecy prevents us from giving the slightest element on this subject,” cuts union member Mélanie Wyss. Among the city’s big employers, however, we can cite Romande Energie, Eaton or Incyte, but there is no clue about this Croesus in the kingdom of tulips.

Behind the containers, the Chanel site symbolizes the heaviest investment in the City of Morges in 2023, i.e. 9.3 million for the renovation of the school site.

However, the analysis of the accounts cannot be limited to the final figure, as each decision potentially impacts another. Starting with intercommunal equalization, which is the first to benefit from the surprises of Coquette, which sees its contribution jump by… 11.4 million, or 30.8 in total.

Enough to call into question the system, as 31 municipalities have just done which have suspended their payments? “It’s a little frustrating, because each franc “won” automatically means a return of 70 cents out of solidarity,” admits David Guarna. But the rules of the game are known and we must be patient given that the mechanism is currently being revised.”

Rising debt

With its big million final deficit which can also be explained by a certain control of the expenses attributable to it, Morges is doing well. It was also able to invest 26.8 million in 2023, which brought its debt to 80 million (+8.2 million), moving towards the symbolic bar of 100, which had plunged Morges into a very lively political crisis. at the time.

For the union, the scenario is no longer the same. “The city has changed enormously in twenty years, its population has increased, and we manage it as closely as possible to needs,” reassures Mélanie Wyss. The economic fabric is dynamic, the jobs are there and we are still far from the debt ceiling of 170 million widely accepted by the Municipal Council.”

Cedric Jotterand is a journalist for the Vaud section, responsible for the Morges office. He is also editor-in-chief of the Journal de Morges, winner of the BZ Prize for local journalism.More informations @JotterandC

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