In Brittany, the regional left becomes the majority thanks to the rallying of Macronists – Libération



The other side

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Contrary to the alliance between the presidential party and the right in the National Assembly, three Breton centrist elected officials joined the coalition of the ex-PS socialist Loïg Chesnais-Girard in the regional council on Monday 9 September, which until then had a relative majority.

The end of the relative majority. In contrast to the Palais-Bourbon, the regional council of Brittany has regained an absolute majority, thanks to the rallying of Macronists to the left. On Monday, September 9, three of the nine centrist councilors of “We Brittany” announced the creation of a new group, “Brittany center left”, affiliated with the executive led by Loïg Chesnais-Girard, mainly composed of socialists and communists.

“I see this as a logical political recomposition following the results of the last European and legislative elections and a clarification within the presidential majority group,” “LCG” responded in a statement. “I have always said that I would remain open to discussions while remaining faithful to my mandate project. The arrival of these three elected officials within my majority is the fruit of our way of working within the Brittany region and demonstrates its success. This reinforcement will in no way change my way of doing things,” he adds.

“Disappointment with the immigration law, lack of dialogue on pension reform”

Since his election as head of the Region in June 2021, Jean-Yves Le Drian’s successor only held 40 seats out of 83. Faced with a five-way race in the second round, he refused to ally himself with the Macronists or the environmentalists, preferring to ally himself with a small independent list, even if it meant settling for a relative majority. A situation


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