Emmanuel Macron, the profiteer who became the gravedigger of the Republican dam – Libération

Emmanuel Macron, the profiteer who became the gravedigger of the Republican dam – Libération


Jonathan Bouchet-Petersen’s post

Article reserved for subscribers

2024 legislative electionsdossier

The appointment of Michel Barnier, with the tacit consent of the RN, is undoubtedly akin to a circumvention of the result of the ballot boxes. But this irresponsible error of the President must not make the citizens involved in the Republican barrier regret having been on the right side of history.

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What would Emmanuel Macron be without the Republican barrier, he who benefited from it twice to win the presidential election? He would have remained a comet and would probably never have reached the Elysée. Neither in 2017 nor in 2022, where he faced Marine Le Pen in the second round each time. And each time, we were able to see how the head of state, despite his words on the evenings of the second round, never took into account the circumstances of his victories and how much this fueled legitimate resentment among the millions of left-wing voters who voted for him with the sole aim of preventing the far right from entering the Elysée.

The last post-election sequence and the nomination to Matignon of Michel Barnier (whose party, Les Républicains, had not even called for the Republican blockade, yet the highlight of the vote), all with the tacit consent of the National Rally – a maneuver that is incontestably akin to circumventing the result of the ballot boxes, will leave even deeper traces. We all know left-wing voters who feel they have been cheated, that their vote was of no use


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