UN Security Council majority expresses ‘deep concern’ over morality law

UN Security Council majority expresses ‘deep concern’ over morality law

Twelve of the fifteen members of the UN Security Council on Friday denounced the continuation of «l’oppression» women in Afghanistan, concerned about the new morality law that undermines the country’s prospects for a “reinstated” to the international community. In a joint statement, Ecuador, France, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, South Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States – the vast majority of the Council with the exception of Russia, China and Algeria – “express their deep concern regarding the so-called “morality law” announced by the talibans».

“We wish to stress that such actions by the Taliban simply undermine the efforts of the international community to engage in dialogue with them (…), to achieve an Afghanistan at peace at home and with its neighbours, and fully reintegrated into the international community.”underlines this statement read to the press by the Japanese ambassador Yamazaki Kazuyuki. “We condemn in the strongest terms the Taliban’s continued systematic gender-based discrimination and oppression of women and girls.”he added.

“Promoting virtue”

The twelve countries are calling on the Taliban authorities to “promptly rescind all policies and practices” that limit women’s rights. The law recently promulgated by the Taliban government to “promote virtue and prevent vice” governs many aspects of Afghan life according to Islamic law, known as Sharia. The law, which has caused great concern among many Afghans and human rights activists, notably prohibits women from making their voices heard outside their homes and requires them to cover their entire bodies and faces if they must go out. “by necessity”.


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