Nicola Sirkis (Indochine) reveals being “ravaged by remorse” regarding his children

Nicola Sirkis (Indochine) reveals being “ravaged by remorse” regarding his children

Having just released a new album, the group Indochine was invited on RFM this weekend of September 14. Nicola Sirkis deciphered one of their new songs and explained the regrets he has towards his children.

It’s a winning comeback. Seven years after the previous one, Indochine released a fourteenth studio album on September 7th, entitled Babel Babel. The album is number one in sales and the members of the group take advantage of it to promote their tour on the radio. On Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September, Nicola Sirkis and oLi dE SaT were exceptionally invited two days in a row to 1 hour withon RFM. Bernard Montiel took the opportunity to ask them questions about a song from the new album entitled Crazy love. In this title, which is theirs “came quickly”the sounds are funkier than usual and the text is telling. “What influenced me was me trying to get my son to sleep. The fear of the night. It’s a crazy love. We still work hard to try to get him to sleep and then it’s 11 p.m., we want something else. It’s 11:30 p.m., midnight, what can we say?”explains Nicola Sirkis.

Nicola Sirkis has many regrets about his children

The song is about bedtime and the fears that arise at night. “You will be afraid in your bed and there you will see me on your wooden horse. I will be there, on a flying carpet”we hear for example in the first verse. The words then become deeper, notes Bernard Montiel: “I will give you everything I missed with you. I will go and find everything I did not do for you.” Nicola Sirkis says he wrote this “because I had several children and sometimes I missed a lot of things in their lives by being very busy”. “I feel very guilty. I am ravaged by remorse, regrets. But I accept it, I find that really good. People who say: ‘I have no regrets or remorse’, I find that fishy”he admits.

Who are Nicola Sirkis’ children?

Nicola Sirkis has three children. The first, Théa, is 22 years old and is also the daughter of Gwen B, from the group Madinkà. The singer of Indochine is also the father of Alice-Tom and Jules, born in 2008 and 2016, from his love life with a former graphic designer of the group. He is also very close to Lou, the daughter of his twin brother, Stéphane Sirkis, ex-guitarist of Indochine who died in 1999.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias


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