“We are fighting for Iran, but also for France”

“We are fighting for Iran, but also for France”

« O“We are very moved to see so many French people alongside us, it is a strong signal,” smiles Mona Jafarian, spokesperson for the Iranian association “Femme Azadi”. Draped in the Iranian flag with the Golden Lion, Mona Jafarian cannot hide her pride as she states to the Point that more than 5,000 people mobilized today to march from Place Victor Hugo to Place du Trocadéro – the prefecture puts the figure at 700 demonstrators – for the 2nd anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini, killed after her arrest by the morality police for allegedly wearing a veil incorrectly. “We are fighting for Iran but also for France because we see that secular, democratic values ​​are under attack here, so it is a double fight that we are waging for our two countries. We owe our freedom to France,” emphasizes Mona Jafarian, herself Franco-Iranian.

After starting around 3pm, the crowd rushed into the streets of the 16th arrondissement, carried by the many slogans chanted with force by the organizers. “Neither Mullah nor headscarf, secularism in Iran”, “Khomeini you’re screwed, women are in the streets”, the jubilant participants brandished Iranian flags, but also French and Israeli flags. Among the participants, we can recognize the journalists Anne Sinclair and Elsa Wolinski but also several female politicians including the deputies Constance Le Grip and Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet. Accompanied […] Read more


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