Sud Radio warned by Arcom for climate disinformation, a first

Sud Radio warned by Arcom for climate disinformation, a first
Sud Radio warned by Arcom for climate disinformation, a first

“This is an essential first step”

Contacted by the association which works for better media coverage of ecological issues, Arcom considered that in this sequence, the controversial physicist François Gervais “contradicted” or “minimized” the scientific consensus around climate change.

Faced with André Bercoff, the author of “The Climate Emergency is an Illusion” notably blurted out: “Every 100,000 years or so, there is a very cold period followed by a warmer period. We are at the peak of the warmer period. This is something to be happy about. !”.

In the absence of experts, François Gervais had not been contradicted. “This is an essential first step in regulating the quality of environmental information in French audiovisual media, and today: we have taken it!” underlined Quota Climat on LinkedIn.

The managers of Sud Radio react

Asked by “Novethic”, Patrick Roger, the general director of Sud Radio, said he had reminded André Bercoff of the need to ““bring contradiction” during his broadcasts. “That being said, when it is the other way around, there is never any warning or questioning,” he denounced.

And to complete: “This referral is democracy, there may be disputes but I would not want there to be a ban on speech on certain subjects. The truth of today is not always that of tomorrow, which was not that of yesterday.” As for Frédéric Jouve, the program and digital director of Sud Radio, he indicated to “Libération” that he did not want “make specific comment” on the sequence in question.

However, the leader took “very seriously the observations and recommendations made by Arcom” in addition to recalling that Sud Radio devoted “lots of air time on the issues of climate change with regular events such as the show ‘Les Vraies Voix Éco-Responsables’, the column ‘How is the planet?’ by Morad Ait Habbouche, as well as the interventions of members of the IPCC and numerous specialists.



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