Alex Goude returns to the “TPMP” controversy and his departure from the show

Alex Goude returns to the “TPMP” controversy and his departure from the show
Alex Goude returns to the “TPMP” controversy and his departure from the show

FIGARO TV – The host, author and producer is back with the musical show “Menopause” which breaks taboos. He also talks about his projects, his family life and his hasty departure from Cyril Hanouna’s show last October.

Host, author, producer, director, actor: Alex Goude is a man of many talents. His latest creation “Menopause” is an extraordinary musical and theatrical show imported from the United States, as he confides: “ Producers saw me in Las Vegas and asked me to adapt it. I was a little upset about the title, I told them that I was a known gay in France and that I was not expected on this subject. But I saw the show which was great but which would not work in France without being completely readapted. So I did everything again! I saw around fifty women to get their testimonies, including my mother. There are even replicas of her in the room.”

The project was complicated to put together as the subject of menopause remains a taboo for many: “ No producer wanted the show! fortunately I found Michel Lumbroso… And then, it was very hard to find actresses because many of them did not want to be part of the adventure because of the subject “, he explains.

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Read also“It was the worst week of my life”: Alex Goude looks back on his inappropriate gesture towards Valérie Bénaïm in “TPMP”

Often engaged, Alex Goude affirms that the current period worries him a lot: “ I was the first in France to talk about the surrogacy I had done with my husband to have our son. And I have always advocated difference by trying to awaken minds and consciences. I accept that people do not have the same ideas as me without judging them. Today, you can’t think differently without being called an idiot! It annoys me when politicians say “don’t vote for the extremes”. Because if people voted, it’s because they are convinced. So it’s up to politicians to try to convince them of the opposite rather than saying that they are stupid », admits Alex Goude.

“Cyril Hanouna asked me to come back in “TPMP” but I didn’t want to because I suffered too much. »

Alex Goude on the “Buzz TV” set on Tuesday June 18, 2024

Living in Las Vegas all year round, Alex Goude also talks about the delusional wokism he faces in the United States: “ It’s crazy. One day, my 9 year old son came home from school and told me that his teacher told him that maybe he wasn’t a boy! I called her teacher to ask for an explanation and she told me that a girl was making a transition in the class and that she had to explain it to the students. I replied that it was very good to do so and accept this person. But telling my son that it can happen to him when it affects 0.03% of people in the world is terrible!»

Finally, Alex Goude returns to his hasty departure from “Touche pas à mon poste!” last October on C8 after only 7 broadcasts. The controversy which followed his dance sequence where his hand touches Valérie Benaïm’s buttocks almost got the better of him: “ We were doing a couple dance and I messed up my dance move by touching his butt. Besides, just after Valérie says that there is no problem, that I am gay, that we have known each other for 20 years… But the social networks are unleashed, the feminists call me a rapist and sexual assaulter when everyone knows I am homosexual. And there, my world collapses over a rotten controversy…“, he explains before continuing: “ I had a very bad experience with this controversy in “TPMP”. I had very, very, very dark thoughts… My mother was in the hospital, shocked. It was very hard. Fortunately there was my son. I even lost contracts. I don’t blame anyone because that’s the game of the show. But I didn’t want to go back to “TPMP” after that. I loved doing this show which intoxicated me for several weeks. But when Cyril asked me to come back, I didn’t want to. I suffered too much, I almost went too far and I don’t want that for my family…»



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