Céline “sang 17 years too long”, believes Josélito Michaud, upset by her documentary

Céline “sang 17 years too long”, believes Josélito Michaud, upset by her documentary
Céline “sang 17 years too long”, believes Josélito Michaud, upset by her documentary

Host and author Josélito Michaud was still in shock the day after watching the documentary “Je suis: Céline Dion,” which premiered in Montreal on Monday evening.

In an interview with LCN, he claims to have been deeply touched by the film and finds it a shame that the singer was not able to stop sooner to take care of herself when she was experiencing symptoms of syndrome. the person who has been stiff for 17 years.

“Céline is an Olympic performer,” he maintains. What I remember from this film is that she sang 17 years too long. I think that’s what I told myself yesterday. I said to myself, is it necessary for her to sing after René’s death?” he asks.

“And she says it in interviews she has given in the United States,” he adds. She says she was somehow happy that the pandemic forced her to stop. It gave him an excuse […] we like to dream that nothing happens to him. We love our Céline, but at a certain point, we realize that she is truly suffering.”

Mr. Michaud believes that, in the documentary, the opposition of images of Céline at the top of her form to other shots where she suffers terribly from the symptoms of stiff person syndrome helps to understand to what extent she is affected by disease.

“I think there is this kind of dichotomy there which is striking from the start and until the end we are speechless,” he says. We suffer with her.”

“Yesterday, there was anger at home, and I’m not someone who is angry, but I was wondering why she is forcing herself to come back in these conditions? he continues. I wasn’t the only one to share this, we were a gang together and we talked about it.

The host does not know if the public is ready to see her return on stage and if they will be understanding.

“The danger if she comes back on stage is to compare and say that she will perhaps sing less well than before, and that is what is terrible for her, because in any case, a person who ages , the tone goes down, so it’s difficult to reach high notes all the time, mentions Josélito Michaud. Already when she leaves, she doesn’t have to do this every evening.”

“I also think he was called all kinds of names,” he adds. You should have seen the French media who were having a field day saying that she was dead and that she is dying and all that. Meanwhile, her children are reading this, and that’s what she wanted to do [avec le documentaire], is to say that no, she wasn’t crazy to believe that something was wrong. This is my truth.”

Watch the full interview in the video above



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