Christophe Gillard, one of the singers of Mister Cover: a man with three lives

Christophe Gillard, one of the singers of Mister Cover: a man with three lives
Christophe Gillard, one of the singers of Mister Cover: a man with three lives

Christophe Gillard is above all a French teacher at the specialized school of Saint-Mard, in the town of Virton. “I have the chance to do comedy with my students, to write shows and stage them with the resources available, it’s super cool! ” he confides enthusiastically. Combining business with pleasure, he enriches his students with his artistic skills, allowing them to flourish through theatrical and musical projects. This job allows him to keep his feet on the ground despite a hectic artistic life. Member of the group Mister Cover, he divides his time between his three passions “When we come back with Mister Cover from a show at Forest National or Ancienne Belgique and find ourselves face to face with them the next day, it really helps to keep our heads on our shoulders”he adds.

Christophe is a self-taught artist. “I started music 20 years ago, I was lucky enough to have a series of projects, I never got bored”, he says. Without going to the conservatory, he developed his talent with impatience and passion, practicing since his childhood. “I always wanted to do shows and theater. I was lucky enough to make part of it my job. I live it successfully. ”

Christophe Gillard (with the blue cap) surrounded by members of the group Mister Cover during a performance. ©DR

On the biggest stages

Since January 2023, Christophe has joined Mister Cover, a group which marked a turning point in his career. “Working with this team is a consecration. I went to Forest National with them, it was magnificent. Same with performances at Ancienne Belgique. ” With great energy, he performs on major stages in Belgium and France, and participates in prestigious festivals. “We have fun on all the big stages, it’s for my greatest pleasure”, he adds. Mister Cover, with its seven musicians and a dedicated technical team, has become a real family for Christophe.

In addition to music, Christophe also stands out as an actor. He takes part in a show called Mr Timotein which he plays Mr. Zitto. “I love this second side of acting. In Monsieur Timoté 2, I will have a second role, it will be a surprise”, he reveals. The production and the troupe, based in Liège, are preparing to play in Morocco, as well as at the Avignon Festival.

The show “Monsieur Timoté”. ©Julien Stevens

The next challenge? Radio or TV!

Christophe is always looking for new challenges. “Being an artist is not just about being a singer or an actor, I like American-style careers. Start in singing or comedy and then arrive in the world of media. ”Fascinated by the world of radio and television, he plans to launch a career as a presenter. “I would like to have a column somewhere. This is my next challenge”, he confides. At the same time, he also dreams of collaborating with Arthur Divoy, a local personality whose energy he admires.

For the year 2024, there is no shortage of projects: around thirty dates with Mister Cover, the sequel to Mr Timothyand the writing of a musical for the students of the specialized school. “I like when things move and we don’t stay frozen”, he concludes. Although his demanding career sometimes encroaches on his private life, Christophe regrets nothing. “When 4,000 people are screaming or the young audience looks at us with stars in their eyes, it’s priceless. ”

Christophe Gillard is a man of many facets, whose passion and boundless energy continue to enchant all those who cross his path. In 2024, he is ready to take on new challenges, always guided by the same desire: to share his love of culture and the stage.



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