the identity of the masked Sith finally revealed

L’episode 5 of Star Wars : The Acolyte was released on Disney+. The series continues to intrigue fans, despite criticism. And this time, we had the right to a big revelation : we finally know theidentify of Sith mask.

here is the identity of the masked sith of star wars : the acolyte

If the first two episodes of The Acolyte were very well received, things started to go wrong from episode 3. A large part of the fanbase of Star Wars cried foul, believing that the legacy left by George Lucas had been trampled. It didn’t get better with episode 4, which marked the return of a Jedi who should never have been there. In short, the criticisms are rife, but the story still manages to keep viewers in suspense. Hopefully this is the case until the end of the series, now that its greatest mystery has been solved: the identity of the terrifying Sith Lord has been revealed.

The most popular theory, until then, was that Qimir was hiding behind the mask. This seller and smuggler doesn’t look like much at first glance, but several elements have alerted fans. The most obvious is this scene in which he is attacked by Mae and he manages to dodge and almost overpower her: an impossible action for an average salesman. Does this element seem a little light to you? You are wrong : this theory was right!

qimir, a sith who doesn’t hide his game so well

Some fans will be disappointed because it seemed too obvious, others will be happy to have hit the nail on the head: Qimir is indeed the individual behind the masked Sith of Star Wars : The Acolyte. It is at the very end of the episode that the veil is lifted. The Sith has dominated his opponents and killed two highly regarded Jedi, but his mask fell during the battle. At first, his face is hidden in shadows, but eventually light is shed, literally, on his identity. In reality, there was no longer any doubt since a photo from the set was leaked a few weeks ago. This showed the interpreter of Qimir, Manny Jacinto, in an outfit which necessarily resembled that of the big bad guy from The Acolyte. Now we understand better why.

This sure makes it look like (redacted) is a (redacted).

Don’t hesitate to tell us in the comments what you think of this big revelation, and whether you saw it coming or not!



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