“I think she is doing better than ever”; Dagoba’s Shawter talks about the French metal scene and their new album, Different Breed

“I think she is doing better than ever”; Dagoba’s Shawter talks about the French metal scene and their new album, Different Breed
“I think she is doing better than ever”; Dagoba’s Shawter talks about the French metal scene and their new album, Different Breed

In this exclusive interview, Shawter, the frontman of French Metal band Dagoba, gives us an insight into the creative process behind their latest album, Different Breed (released June 14 via Verycords).

Shawter shares anecdotes about the recording, the musical evolution of the group, and his point of view on the French Metal scene. He also reveals his expectations for upcoming concerts and offers a heartfelt message to their French-speaking fans.

Discover how Dagoba continues to push the boundaries of metal and captivate audiences with unparalleled energy and passion…

The title Different Breed is very evocative. How did you find this title and what does it mean to you?

After stating that what motivates the writing of our albums is the offer of a different side of the group with each release, it was probably time to make it an album title. Obviously, a title is also subject to personal interpretation, and therefore we leave everyone free to make their own.

How did the recording of Different Breed go? Were there any memorable moments or challenges during production?

Everything took place with the greatest serenity. I have now produced six albums for the group, so we have our little habits, our comfort. In terms of challenge, I believe that Théo was especially able to infuse something new, at once very brutal, modern and refined, into the writing of his drum parts. As for the memorable moments, there were many. I have never hidden being a studio rat, I much prefer this stage, which is quite introspective, to that of the stage, which requires exposure to as many people as possible, and which is rather unnatural for me. Often, when it comes to the arrangement stage, I can think at great length about a sound, a note, which sometimes only appears once in the whole album, but which, in my opinion, makes the difference. When I am satisfied in that moment, those are moments that I remember for the rest of my life.

How do you think Dagoba has evolved musically over the years? What have been the biggest changes in your sound and approach?

It seems legitimate to me to say that we have probably refined our instrumental technicality as well as our production know-how. Then, we have always taken immense pleasure in exploring each of our influences, whether obscure, classical, industrial or electro. By seeking to improve and offer something interesting by including elements from several different musical trends, we have necessarily deepened the way we conceive our music. Théo’s influence and writing on the drums bring something less robotic to our music, and best accompany the groove of our riffs and our various arrangements.

What do you think of the current state of the French metal scene? What are the unique challenges and opportunities you face as a French metal band?

I find that it is doing better than ever, with more and more groups exporting and filling beautiful venues, here and elsewhere. I’m thinking of our friends from Landmvrks, but also of Rise Of The Northstar, Igorrr, and many others. I knew a time when there were a very small handful of us who really made a living from our music and were able to export it. Today, seeing a French group tour in Japan, the United States, etc., has become almost commonplace, and that’s so much the better. For us, the challenge is simple: continue to live this waking dream that is life in Dagoba! Making riffs at home, then eventually having the opportunity to record them, and then performing them on stages around the world is something I wish for each and every one of your readers. Regarding opportunities, we are lucky today to be a somewhat known name in the scene, so we will see what surprises await us regarding the promotional tour of Different Breed, and what reception the public will give it when it is released.

How do you plan to bring Different Breed songs to life during your concerts? Are there any songs that you are particularly excited to perform?

We’re already bringing Cerberus and Distant Cry to the stage, and the audience reactions have been phenomenal! We perform them with the energy that characterizes us, and we look forward to including more and more Different Breed songs, because most of them are really cut out for live performances.

How do you think you have evolved as musicians and individuals since your last album? What lessons have you learned along the way?

As musicians and as men, I think we have acquired a certain form of wisdom and self-control, which is strongly felt in the atmosphere within the group, on tour, on stage and on album. As for the lessons, they are numerous, but the main goal of this whole enterprise remains the pleasure, the happiness of being there, and the recognition of being able to make a living from our passion.

What music are you listening to at the moment? Are there any bands or artists that have caught your attention recently?

I don’t really listen to music, I’m more into podcasts, whether sports, economics or politics.

Any last words for your French-speaking fans?

Thank you for everything.

Dagoba’s new album, Different Breed, is available now via Verycords.



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