“I wish the father of Morgana’s baby wasn’t Karadec!” Marie Denarnaud explains her theory on the future of the duo

“I wish the father of Morgana’s baby wasn’t Karadec!” Marie Denarnaud explains her theory on the future of the duo
“I wish the father of Morgana’s baby wasn’t Karadec!” Marie Denarnaud explains her theory on the future of the duo

Thursday June 13, TF1 interrupts the broadcast of season 4 of HPI without any clue as to the identity of the father of Morgane’s baby. If Marie Denarnaud, the interpreter of Commissioner Hazan, does not know who it is, she would like it not to be… Karadec. Explanations.

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Thursday June 13, TF1 has just broadcast the fourth episode of season 4 of HPI. The last of this batch since the front page will interrupt the broadcast of its crazy comedy – time to let the Euro football and the Olympic Games pass while allowing Audrey Fleurot to play for the cinema – and will only resume it in next September. And of course, this mid-season finale doesn’t reveal any clues regarding the paternity of Morgane’s baby. We took advantage of a meeting with Marie Denarnaud, the interpreter of Commissioner Hazan, on the occasion of the broadcast Invisible wounds on France 2 where she plays the leading role, to ask him for his prediction as to the father of this unborn child.

HPI : Marie Denarnaud explains why she wouldn’t like Karadec to be the father of Morgane’s baby

The father of Morgane’s baby? A carefully kept secret! Even the actors are not in the know. At least, they didn’t know that before resuming filming the final episodes in June. Met in this interval, Marie Denarnaud expressed her opinion as to one of the possibilities concerning the identity of the father of Morgane’s child. “I wish it wasn’t Karadec, admits the actress, because I find their completely non-conformist couple interesting. On the other hand, what I would find great is that, even if it’s not his child, Karadec wants to take care of it all the same. I have very mixed feelings about this father story.”

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“Bruno Sanches finds that I am under-exploited” confides Marie Denarnaud

Marie Denarnaud is a well-known actress appreciated by fans of French fiction but remains associated with dramatic roles. This foray into comedy with the TF1 series proves that she is also very comfortable in the genre. “I had played in Thank you, the children are fine [une comédie diffusée sur M6 en 2005, ndlr ] but it’s true that I tend to be offered dramatic roles because they suit me. I am a fairly intense person and not always light. It’s also true that I like a certain form of harshness in the roles. I like that there are difficult things to do but comedy is also very difficult. This is also one of the reasons why I was delighted with the proposal of HPI because it allowed me to show something else, at least because my character is not the funniest in the series. However, I am very flattered because Bruno Sanches [l’interprète de Gilles dans HPI, ndlr], which seems to me to be a reference in terms of comedy, finds that I am underexploited. I make him laugh a lot”, concludes Marie Denarnaud amused while waiting for more “funny” proposals. The message has gotten through!

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