Ruquier, Ladesou, Damidot… With “Projet H”, TF 1 wants to compete with “Les Traitors”

Ruquier, Ladesou, Damidot… With “Projet H”, TF 1 wants to compete with “Les Traitors”
Ruquier, Ladesou, Damidot… With “Projet H”, TF 1 wants to compete with “Les Traitors”

Twelve personalities in a castle, and a traitor. Sorry, a “host”. In the middle of the week, the teams from TF 1 and Fremantle France set up their cameras an hour from Paris to shoot their “Project H” until this Sunday, June 9, a new major entertainment intended to compete with M 6’s “Les Traitors” In this format, a path between the success of La Six, the board game “Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux” and “Cluedo”, the candidates are “invited” to the same place. By who ? It is up to them to find it, for their host is among them. And to do this, they will have to investigate and gradually eliminate participants in order to elucidate this mystery.

According to our information, twelve celebrities took to the road to film this first season, which should be broadcast in the fall. Starting with the actor Francis Perrin, famous “Mongeville” from the France 3 series, successfully rebroadcast for several months on C8. At his side, he will find a colleague: Chantal Ladesou, a regular on the front page between her role as investigator in “Mask Singer” and columnist in “Camille et Images”. Star of the series “Astrid and Raphaëlle” on France 2, Sarah Mortensen is also part of the list of twelve of this “Project H”, just like Frédéric Diefenthal.

Ruquier also on… M 6

Several comedians participate in this funny band, starting with Max Boublil. The 45-year-old actor shares the bill with Cartman, but also Jeanfi Janssens. This novelty will also allow us to get to know Kody, famous in Belgium but still little known in France. The comedian and actor Arnaud Ducret joins the fine team, and he does not come alone, since he is accompanied by his wife, the dancer Claire Franciscimet on the set of “Friday, anything goes with Arthur”.

The teams also called on Elsa Wood, choreographer of “Dancing with the Stars” and companion of YouTuber Michou. Finally, this casting is completed by the host Valérie Damidot.

To orchestrate everything, the first channel called on one of its new recruits, in the person of… Laurent Ruquier! A way of rewarding him in particular for the good work done in “Mask Singer”, where he has been an investigator since this spring but also host of the second part of the evening, capable of interviewing both Gloria Gaynor and the cartoon character Ladybug. Even if the public will also discover him on the Six since he is one of the candidates for the third season… “Traitors”!



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